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Introducing Module Wikipedia

The Wikipedia module allows you to create simple or complex wiki pages for your game servers. Wiki pages are beneficial for explaining various aspects to users, such as how to perform specific tasks and much more.

How to Enable the Module

  1. Navigate to the GameCMS Dashboard.
  2. Go to Website Modules.
  3. Find the Resources Module on the main page and click Enable.
  4. Click the Settings button to edit the module's settings.
  5. Click the Categories button to manage the Wiki categories.
  6. Click the Articles List button to manage all Wiki Articles.

Wiki Home Page

  1. Navigate to the GameCMS Dashboard.
  2. Go to Website Modules.
  3. Select Wiki.

Here, you will find the Wikipedia home page and buttons to enable/disable the module.

How to Create a New Category

To create a category, please refer to our Wiki Categories documentation.

How to Create Articles

To create an article, please refer to our Wiki Articles documentation.

Article Versions


Article versions allow you to separate different versions of a given topic. For example, you can create one article version in English and another in German.