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Website Tickets

Streamline support with our ticket system: quick, user-friendly, and efficient.

How to Enable the Ticket System

To enable the ticket system in GameCMS, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the GameCMS Dashboard
  2. Select "Tickets" from the sidebar menu, then click on "Ticket Settings" located at the top-right corner
  3. Configure Ticket Options: Enable the necessary options according to your needs:
    • **Activated: Enable this to allow users to create tickets.
    • **Allow Replies on Closed Tickets: When enabled, users can reopen tickets by replying to them.
    • **Enable Self-Close: Allows users to close their own tickets.

Understanding Ticket Reasons

Ticket reasons provide insight into why users open tickets. While not mandatory, they can be a valuable tool for categorizing and managing tickets effectively.

Creating Ticket Reasons

To create and manage ticket reasons:

  1. Select "Tickets" from the sidebar menu
  2. Click on "Ticket Reasons" at the top-right corner
  3. Click the "New Reason" button and enter the reason name
  4. Upon creating a new reason, you'll be redirected to its page to add reason fields. Fill in the necessary information
  5. To add new fields, click the "Add Field" button and specify the field name

Field Options

Each new field comes with options such as:

  • **Description: Define the field's purpose.
  • **Field Type: Choose from long text, short text, select, multiple select, or file upload.
  • **Activated: Choose to show or hide the field.
  • **Required Field: Mark if the field requires user input.