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Navbar Elements

Navbar elements appear at the top of the page by default in our website themes. They provide quick navigation options to various parts of your site.

How to Add a New Navbar Element

  1. Navigate to the GameCMS Dashboard
  2. Select Navbar Elements
  3. Click the New Element button


  • Name: The text that will be displayed for the element on your website.
  • Icon: Choose an icon from our list or input a custom one.
  • Type: Select the type of navbar element. Options include:
    1. Home: Redirects the user to the homepage of your website.
    2. External Link: Redirects the user to an external link that you provide.
    3. Store: Redirects the user to the store system integrated with the website.
    4. Store Categories: Allows selection of a store category to redirect users.
    5. Store Product: Similar to 'Store Categories', but for individual products.
    6. Page: Redirects the user to a custom page managed from Dashboard > Pages.
    7. Integration: Redirects the user to a selected integration page.
    8. Module: Redirects the user to a selected module.
    9. Dropdown Menu: Creates a dropdown menu; after creation, items can be dragged and dropped into it from the list page.
  • Open in New Tab: If enabled, the link opens in a new browser tab.
  • Visibility: If enabled, the navbar element will be visible to all users.
  • Allow all users to see this element: Uncheck to restrict visibility to specific website groups.
Name Only in English

Consider setting the menu names in English initially. This will allow you to add them to your site's language settings, ensuring they automatically update when a user changes the site language.

In-Game Navbar Elements

Our navbar elements is build in the same way, but to support games that support MOTD. With our ingame motd you can display info about your servers and many more. The how it work is same as the Websites Navbar Elements, but with limited options, the benefind of that is you can build Custom Pages and display them in your game server.

Manage In-Game Navbar Elements

  1. Navigate to the GameCMS Dashboard
  2. Select Navbar Elements
  3. Click the In-game Navbar Elements tab
  4. Click the New Element button