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Displaying Top Players in MOTD

To display the Top Players in your MOTD, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the GameCMS Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Billing.
  3. Select the HLStats Billing tab.
  4. Click the Edit icon for your server.
  5. Locate the setting Player Events Command O S D and remove the command (Leave the input empty).

After removing the command, wait 1-2 minutes. Then type /hlx and select Option 3 to view the Top Players in your MOTD.


The top command will display the top {number} players only if the command is registered in the plugin. For example, you need to add /top15, /top30, or any other value to the blocked_commands list in the plugin source code. By default, the plugin includes /top20, /top10, and /top5.