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Global Variables

Global variables help you manage your website themes as you want. These variables are available across all your website pages. We also have variables specific to the current page, which you can see once you open the file.


We recommend using the print_r function to see all the data you can use about single variables. Some of them are arrays, and some of them are strings. You can use print_r for almost everything, not just global variables.

What Is Twig Template


To understand more about Twig, please refer to HTML Editor.

Global Variables List

  • page:

    • Description: Contains information about the current page.
    • Contents: Array
  • user:

    • Description: Contains the user data.
    • Contents: Array
  • setting:

    • Description: Contains the website settings.
    • Contents: Array
  • navbar:

    • Description: Holds the navbar elements.
    • Contents: Array
  • modules:

    • Description: Lists the available modules (global).
    • Contents: Array
  • cart:

    • Description: Represents the store cart.
    • Contents: Array
  • notification:

    • Description: Holds notifications for the user, if there are any.
    • Contents: String
  • request_query:

    • Description: Contains the query parameters from the current URL.
    • Contents: Array