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Products are virtual items that your users can purchase from your website in exchange for virtual items on your game servers. Our store system allows you to execute commands on the server once the payment is completed.

Charge-Back Protection

Please note that our platform does not offer charge-back protection.

To create a product for a certain game, you need to do several things:

  1. Create a webstore category. This can be done from Store > Categories
  2. Integrate your dedicated game server with our platform. This can be done from Integrations > Servers

Once these steps are completed, you will be able to create your first product.

How to Create a Product

  1. Navigate to the GameCMS Dashboard
  2. Go to Store
  3. Select Products
  4. Click the "New product" button
  5. Select one of the games


Basic Information

  1. Name: Your product name
  2. Image: Option to upload an image (Recommended size 190x155)
  3. Price: Your product price. If you set the price to 0, this will be counted as a free product.
  4. Category: The category to which the product should belong.
  5. Recurring Payment: Set the type of payment for this product. We offer several options:
  • Only charge the customer once: This option will charge the customer only once.
  • Charge a recurring subscription: This option allows your users to subscribe to a specific product from your store.

If there are valid subscriptions for a given product, you won't be able to delete the product. If you change the product price after the user has already subscribed, the subscription price will not change.

  • Allow one-time payment & recurring subscription: This allows the user to choose whether to subscribe to the product or buy it once.
  1. Description: This is the description of your product. You can use the WYSIWYG editor to customize the text with colors and other formatting options.


Configure the commands that will be executed by our plugin for the specified game.

  1. Server/s: The server(s) where commands must be executed.
  2. Server Commands: These are the preset commands that will be executed for the selected server(s). These commands can be managed from Integrations > Servers > Commands.
  3. Discord Commands: Optionally, you can execute Discord commands. These commands can be managed from Integrations > Discord > Commands.
  4. Commands to be executed after purchase: These are the commands specific to the product. When creating/editing a product, you can see all possible variables that can be used.


Configure the product limits such as allowing the product to be purchased only once per user.

  1. Purchase the product only once: If enabled, users will be allowed to buy the product just once.
  2. Global Limit: If enabled, you'll be able to set a global limit for the product (for all users).
  3. User Limit: If enabled, you'll be able to set a limit per user.

Both limit options (global and user) have sub-options:

  • Limit Type: No period, Weekly, Monthly, or Annually.
  • Limit: How many times the product can be purchased within the selected period.
  1. Required Products: Select the products that a user must purchase before buying this product.
  2. Allowed Users: Add users who can view/buy the product. This is a great option if you want to offer a specific user a special product price.

Other Options

  1. Does the player need to be in the server: If enabled, our plugins will check if the user is online before executing the commands. This option depends on the game.
  2. Can the user gift this product to other players: Activate this option if you want the product to be available for gifting.
  3. Should this item be shown to users: Enable this if you want the product to be displayed in your webstore.
  4. Enable quantity option: If enabled, users will be able to change the product quantity. This is great for webstores with products like "Create keys".
  5. Discount in %: The product discount in percentage.
  6. Discount Start Date: The date when the discount will be activated.
  7. Discount End Date: The date when the discount will end.

This option allows you to show the product on your main webstore page and checkout page. This option is part of our "Upselling products" feature, and you must have the "Plus" plan to see it.

  1. Show as Recommended Product: Enable this if you want to show the product as recommended.
  2. Show until Date: The date until when the product should be displayed as recommended.

You can drag and drop products within the same category to change their order. This helps in organizing your store more efficiently.


Ensure you press the save order button once you are done to save the changes.

Video Tutorials

How to Create a Minecraft Product

How to Create a CS 1.6 Product