
Minecraft Java Version

Integrating your Minecraft : Java Edition with our API allow us to make some of the processes automatically .

Our plugin is open-source and can be view here -> GitHub GameCMS Minecraft

You can download the last version from the github page -> Download

Plugin Commands

  • gcms reload (gamecms.reload): Reload the config file.
  • gcms force (gamecms.force): Force execution of all commands that are in Waiting status.
  • gcms setserverapikey (gamecms.api.key.server): Setting up server API KEY (Server key from Integrations > Servers).
  • gcms setscheduler (gamecms.setscheduler): Change the time to check for new commands. Time in ticks, minimum 1200.
  • gcms setwebsiteapikey (gamecms.api.key.website): Setting up Website API KEY.
  • gcms addbalance (gamecms.balance.add): Adding virtual balance to a user (only if registered on the website).
  • gcms checkbalance (gamecms.balance.check): Checking user balance (only if registered on the website).
  • gcms placeholderstoggle (gamecms.placeholders.toggle): Enable/disable placeholder (Requires PlaceholderAPI plugin).
  • gcms verify: Allows users to verify their accounts with website registrations.
  • gcms whitelisttoggle (gamecms.whitelist.toggle): Enable or disable the whitelist feature of the plugin. When enabled, the server will check if players are on the whitelist or meet the website-based criteria to allow access.
  • gcms whitelistadd [playerName] (gamecms.whitelist.add): Add a player to a list of players who are exempt from checks via the website. This action updates the plugin's settings to allow the specified player access to the server without needing to meet website-based criteria.
  • gcms whitelistremove [playerName] (gamecms.whitelist.remove): Remove a player from the list of players who are exempt from checks via the website. This updates the plugin's settings, meaning the specified player will now need to meet website-based criteria to access the server.
  • gcms whitelistclearcache (gamecms.whitelist.cache): Clears any cached data related to the whitelist. This is useful for ensuring the server's whitelist is up-to-date and reflects the most recent changes made via the plugin's settings.

To have full access to the commands of this plugin you must be OP or have gamecms.admin

How to install Minecraft: Java Edition Plugin

  1. Create new Normal Server from Integrations > Servers and copy the Server Key once is created
  2. Download the plugin and upload it in your /plugins folder.
  3. Restart the server
  4. Open plugins/GameCMS/config.yml.
  5. Place your Server Key in config.yml where is server-api-key

Config file options

  1. website-api-key: If you want to use things such as placeholders, verify, addbalance or remove balance. You must set your Website API Key, you can get that from here (https://gamecms.app/profile/my-website)
  2. server-api-key: This is the server key that will be used to check for any commands that are in Waiting status and ready to be executed.
  3. commands-scheduler: 1200: How often to check for new commands by default is 1200 this setting must be in ticks. 1200 = 1 minute
  4. use-placeholders: true: Set this to true if you want to use the placeholders. You must have PlaceholderAPI intalled.
  5. log-fetched-commands: true: Set this to false if you want to disable the messages in the console!
  6. use-whitelist: false: Set this to true if you want to use the whitelist option.
  7. whitelist-message: Whitelist message when player is not whitelisted. Add each message on new line.
  8. whitelisted-names: Players in this list will be allowed to join regardless of other whitelist settings.

List with Placeholder

  1. %gamecms_user_total_balance% - Shows the user's current total balance on your website.

  2. %gamecms_user_paid_balance% - Shows the current paid balance of the user on your website.
  3. %gamecms_user_virtual_balance% - Shows the user's current virtual balance on your website.


Whitelist Feature

The whitelist feature in this plugin provides a robust and secure way to manage player access to your Minecraft server. When enabled, the plugin operates in a multi-step process to ensure only authorized players can join:

  1. Check Local Whitelist: Initially, the plugin checks if the player attempting to join is on the server's local whitelist. If the player is found in this list, they are immediately allowed to join, bypassing further checks.
  2. API Request for Group Membership: If the player is not on the local whitelist, the plugin then sends an API request, including the player's IP address, to a remote server. This step requires the website API key to be correctly set in the plugin's configuration. The request is used to verify if the player is online and if is part of a group with the whitelist option enabled.
  3. Access Decision Based on API Response: If the API confirms that the player is in a group with whitelist permissions enabled, the player is allowed to join the server. Their details are also added to a cache with a 2-minute duration for quicker access on subsequent join attempts. If the player is not in such a group, they are denied access and kicked from the server, with a custom message provided from the config.yml file.

This approach ensures a secure and efficient way of managing server access, combining local whitelist checks with real-time group membership verification through an our API.

Last update: 06-Jan-2024

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